German submarine U1 was a Type IIB Uboat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War IIShe was laid down on 31 March 1938 at the Flender Werke, Lübeck as yard number 268 She was launched on 16 March 1940 and commissioned on AprilGerman submarine U16 On the 14th of April 1945 the 16 was just off the coast of Peterhead, Scotland The 16 was one of the few German submarines fitted with a high pressure toilet With the captain Karl AdolfSchlitt deciding to use the toilet without much training on how these new pressurized toilets work whatsoever instead of taking The U16 was commissioned on and a type 7C Uboat This type UBoat was equipped with a new type of toilet designed to allow the submarine to dive deeper and avoid Allied attack It was a very complicated high pressure valve system which required special training to use them

Remembering U 16 The U Boat The Thats Toilet So Complex It Required A Specialist To Flush It It Also Sank Because Of Its Toilet Remembering U 16 The U Boat The Thats Toilet So
U 1206 submarine
U 1206 submarine-U16 הייתה צוללת מדגם VIIC של הצי הגרמני במלחמת העולם השנייההיא הושקה ב30 בדצמבר 1943 במספנת שישאו ורקה (Schichau Werke) בדנציג, והוכנסה לשירות פעיל בצי ב16 במרץ 1944סמל הצוללת היה חסידה לבנה ירוקתמקור וירוקתרגליים על מגן שחור Found after 70 years, the wreck of U16 By ALISTAIR MUNRO Published on Tuesday 0000 A TEAM of divers is celebrating following a search lasting 12 years, after finding the wreck of a Uboat scuttled by its crew off the Scottish coast Just weeks before the Second World War ended in 1945, the submarine with 40 German sailors on

How A Toilet Sunk A Deadly Nazi Submarine The National Interest
U16 was a VIIC type submarine, built in 1944 at Schichau Yard, Danzig in Poland and lost in the North Sea near Peterhead on the April 14th 1945 following a 'diving' accident (leakage) At 70 feet below the surface, Kptlt Schlitt had decided to use the toilet without consulting a rating trained in its complicated operationSee apartments for rent at 16 W 14th St located at 16 W 14th St Pet friendly, & moreNear the end of World War 2 a malfunctioning hightech toilet forced a German Navy Uboat to the surface off the coast of Scotland, where it is promptly atta
This is not true, but U16, a much larger boat, did suffer from such a problem that helped to contribute to its loss in April 1945 Men lost from Uboats Unlike many other Uboats, which during their service lost men due to accidents and various other causes, U1 did not suffer any casualties (we know of) until the time of her loss Uboat U16 was part of the VIIC series, an advanced class of German submarine designed to evade detection and sink enemy convoys with deadly efficiency For its time, it was a hitech machine fittedA continuación huyó de la nave, convirtiéndolo en el primer buque de guerra en la historia naval en ser condenado por un baño
That, however, wasn't an issue for U16 This lateWWII Uboat, a Type VIIC, had a new, highpressure toilet system that could compensate for the outside pressure However, the flushing mechanism was so complicated that a special technician had to operate it U16German submarine U16 was a German Type VIIC Uboat of the Kriegsmarine during World War II She was laid down on at F Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on The boat's emblem was a white stork on a black shield with green beak and legs After being commissioned, under the command of Oblt Günther Fritze, the submarine took partU16 je bila nemška vojaška podmornica Kriegsmarine, ki je bila dejavna med drugo svetovno vojno Zgodovina 14 aprila 1945 je podmornica plula pod površjem Severnega morja, ko se je kapitan Schlitt namenil na stranišče Ker je bil nov straniščni sistem zapleten, je nekaj šlo narobe, tako da so po nesreči v podmornico spustili

The Toilet That Sank A Submarine U 16 Was Cruising Off The Coast Of By Daniel Ganninger Knowledge Stew Medium

Horribly Funny History Who Said History Is Boring
General notes on this boat In the mid 70's, while survey work was being undertaken for the BP Forties Field oil pipeline to Cruden Bay, the remains of U16 were found in approx 70m depth at 5724N, 0136W This location was later confirmed with GPS as The U16 had a newandimproved plumbing system Unlike many subs in the fleet, it had highpressure toilets that could be used at greater depths than the standard heads could But the new system was very difficult to operate The toilets came with complicated instructions manuals, and a few members of the crew had to be trained so that they The U16 had a newandimproved plumbing system Unlike many subs in the fleet, it had highpressure toilets that could be used at greater depths than the standard heads could But the new system was very difficult to operate The toilets came with complicated instructions manuals, and a few members of the crew had to be trained so that they

U 16 The National Interest

U 16 Sank By Toilet History Of Yesterday
Construction and equipment U 16 had a water displacement of 769 t on the surface and 871 t under water It was a total of 671 m long, 62 m wide, 96 m high with a 505 m long pressure hull and had a draft of 474 m It came in the form of the Nazi submarine U16 The Type VIIC boat was a technological marvel armed with two antiaircraft guns, five torpedo tubes, and most impressively, a complex toilet that El U16 resultó seriamente damnificado durante el ataque e incapaz de seguir navegando Viendo que no tenía forma de salvar el submarino, el capitán Schlitt ordenó a la tripulación restante que desplegaran los botes salvavidas;

Who Would Win Nazi U 16 Hard To Use Toilet With Manual Why Do You Need To Be A Specialist For A Darn Toilet History Meme On Me Me

Y My Dolphin Not Working Lol U 16 Is That True That Actually Happened Hans Ze Battery Is Soggy Lol Meme On Me Me
One of the last UBoats produced by Germany in the Second World War had all the most advanced technology, including a new "high pressure toilet" What happen As for U16, its wreck lay undisturbed until the mid1970s, when workers laying an underwater oil pipeline came across the hulk sprawled on the seabed at 230 feet The Type VIIC was the The U16 was commissioned on and a type 7C Uboat This type UBoat was equipped with a new type of toilet designed to allow the submarine to dive deeper and avoid Allied attack It was a very complicated high pressure valve system which required special training to use them

يبيع الأوبرا انا أشتكى U Boot U 16 Crankyenlightenment Com

The Toilet That Sank The Submarine
U16, Episode of Useless Facts, Badly Drawn in WEBTOON Useless Facts, Badly Drawn 100% interesting but 110% useless knowledge you're guaranteed never to use Updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays!Hydrographic Office 1995 (Classified as Submarine date of loss cited as 14 April 1945) U16 this vessel was lost in an accident 85 miles E of Slains Castle 4 dead Registration German 769 tons displacement Length 66m Beam 6m (Location of loss cited as N57 2130 W1 39)1 Share Report Save level 1 4y

U 16 Tm 18 Bearing Revolution

U 16 Das Nazi U Boot Dem Seine Toilette Zum Verhangnis Wurde
>> U16 The Nazi submarine that was sunk by its toilet Iiiish More precisely, the leak forced it to surface and it was sunk by allied bombs once on the surface Edit And like lgrebe says, the toilet may not have been the sole reason for the leak they may have struck an older wreck The toilets on U16 implemented a complex system of highpressure valves designed to flush even when the sub was running deep underwater These toilets were so complicated that a specially trained operator was required to accompany anyone that used the lavatory This is where the shit hits fan literallyU16 is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Peterhead, Scotland, United Kingdom The maximum depth is over 150ft/46m In the mid 70's, while survey work was being undertaken for the BP Forties Field oil pipeline to Cruden Bay, the remains of U16 were found in approx 70m depth at 5724N, 0136W

Useless Facts Badly Drawn The German Submarine U 16 Sank When Its Toilet Overflowed Thanks To

Broken Toilet The Death Of The Infamous German Submarine U 16 The Global Domain News
First dive on the German UBoat U12Buchan Shipwreckswwwbuchandiverscom Source Wiki Commons O rdered on April 2nd, 1942, then commissioned on March 16th, 1944, the German U16 was one of the last German Uboats to be sunk The time was the mid70s, just off the coast of Scotland, workers surveying the BP Forties Field oil pipeline to Cruden Bay had discovered something interestingIt was, indeed, the wreckage of a German Uboat, specifically, the German U16The bell was recovered and found to be engraved '1906 HARTLEPOOL' confirming the wreck's identity as the Adventure

U 16 Sank By Toilet History Of Yesterday

The German Submarine That Was Sunk By Its Toilet U 16 Ww2site Eu
Yes, this happened by War Is Boring By World War II standards, the German Type VIIC submarine was an advanced hunter of the seas But one unlucky vessel of its class, the U16, sank during itsTIL of the German Uboat, U16, which sank because its Captain improperly flushed their hightech toilet Close 305 Posted by 4 years ago Crazy to think that was only 26 days before the end of the war yet there was still a Nazi Uboat cruising (at a depth of 0 feet) 8 nautical miles from Scotland! On , the German submarine U16 left its base in the Nazioccupied port city of Kristiansand, Norway, and headed for its maiden combat patrol — a mission to search out and destroy

U 16 The U Boat That Went Down Because Someone Flushed A Toilet Wrong Just Off The Coast Of North Eastern Scotland R Submechanophobia

Can You Think Of A More The Infographics Show Facebook
U16 Type VIIC Commissioned Fate Scuttled Date U1192 U1195 U1197 U1199 U10 U11 U12 U13 U15 U16 U1192 thru U16 Directory Battle of The Atlantic Historical Battles UBoat Tactics UBoat Personalities Medals & Awards Photo Gallery Video Library ArticlesU16 oli 14 huhtikuuta Skotlannin edustalla noin 60 metrin syvyydessä, kun päällikkö Schlitt meni käymälään Aluksessa oli uuden mallinen käymälä, joka oli suunniteltu toimimaan vanhoja malleja syvemmällä Schlittillä oli vaikeuksia monimutkaisen käymälän huuhtomisessa With the aid of an aerial photograph taken on September 6th, before Market Garden started, we are going to follow Easy company in the battle at the Crossroads This battle was famously depicted in episode 6 of Band of Brothers, "Crossroads" An overview of the Island, on October 5th the 101st Airborne was responsible for three quarters of

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U 16 Sank By Toilet History Of Yesterday
U16 was one of the latewar boats fitted with new deepwater highpressure toilets, which allowed them to be used while running at depth Flushing these facilities was an extremely complicated procedure, and special technicians were trained to operate themU16 was launched in December 1943 and commissioned in March 1944 under command of Oblt Gunther Fritze, it spent the following ten months with 8th Training Flotilla during which a snorkel was fitted and command transferred to Kptlt KarlAdo lf Schlitt In February 1944 U16 transferred to 11th Combat Flotilla based in Bergen By World War II standards, the German Type VIIC submarine was an advanced hunter of the seas But one unlucky vessel of its class, the U16, sank during its maiden combat voyage after its captain used its hightech toilet improperly Yes, this really happened, and was an unexpected and tragic consequence of a real naval engineering problem

That Time A Wwii German U Boat Sank As A Result Of Flushing A Toilet

Til That One Unfortunate German Submarine U 16 Was Sunk Not By Allied Action But By The Captain Improperly Flushing His Personal Toilet Todayilearned
Answer (1 of 6) The U16, commissioned was a type 7C UBoat It was equipped with a new type of toilet designed to allow the submarine to dive deeper and thereby evade enemy attack Supposedly, I have never seen it or anything like itOn the 24th August 07 whilst searching for the U16 we found a wreck near to local fishermen's marks for 'the sub' and dived it the following day It turned out to be a steam trawler; U16 was a Type VIIC Uboat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II She was laid down on 12 June 1943 at F Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on 16 March 1944 before sinking less than a year later The boat's emblem was a white stork on a black shield with green beak and legs ⇒ German Type VIIC submarines were preceded by the shorter

Bangshift Com The Story Of U 16 The German U Boat With The Worst Story In The Fleet It S The Toilet S Fault Bangshift Com

The Wreck Of The Submarine U 16 Has Been Found
艦歴 U16は1943年6月12日にダンツィヒの シーヒャウ造船所 (英語版) で起工、1943年12月30日に進水し1944年3月16日に初代艦長ギュンター・フリッチェ(Günther Fritze)中尉の指揮の下就役した 。 就役後、U16は第8Uボート戦隊(8 Unterseebootsflottille)で1945年1月31日まで訓練を行った後、1945年2月1 Sinking U16 was one of the late war boats fitted with new deepwater highpressure toilets which allowed them to be used while running at depthFlushing these facilities was extremely complicated and special technicians were trained to operate them On , 8 miles (13 km) off Peterhead, Scotland, while cruising at a depth of 0 feet (61 m), misuse of the

U 16 R Historymemes

Klaas Meijer The German U 16 Is Probably The Only Submarine In The World That Was Sunk Because Of A Malfunctioning Toilet Ww2 T Co R2xnacrhao

April 14 1945 Tweaky Toilet Costs Skipper His Sub Wired

German Submarine U 16 Commanded By Karl Adolf Schlitt Set Out On Their First Patrol In

I Guess They Didn T Nazi That Coming 9gag

Found After 70 Years The Wreck Of U 16 Pressreader

On 14 April 1945 A German Submarine Called U 16 Fitted With An Advanced Toilet Which Was Necessary For It To Flush When Submerged Due To The Complex Nature Of Pressure Systems Needed

The Most Embarrassing Ways U Boats Have Been Lost Imgflip

Remembering U 16 The U Boat The Thats Toilet So Complex It Required A Specialist To Flush It It Also Sank Because Of Its Toilet Remembering U 16 The U Boat The Thats Toilet So

The Only Submarine Ever Sunk By Its Toilet J Mark Powell

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U 16 Sank By Toilet History Of Yesterday

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Figure 23 From The Atlas Survey Zone Deep Sea Archaeology U Boat Loss Reassessments Semantic Scholar

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The Toilet That Sank A Submarine U 16 Was Cruising Off The Coast Of By Daniel Ganninger Knowledge Stew Medium

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The Only Submarine Sunk By A Dump On The Toilet U 16

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U 16 Das Nazi U Boot Dem Seine Toilette Zum Verhangnis Wurde

The Story Of Karl Adolph Schlitt And German Submarine U 16

U 16 The Only Sub To Be Sunk By A Dump On The Toilet

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U 16 Wreck

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How A World War Ii German Sub Captain Used The Toilet Wrong And Sunk His Vessel Boing Boing


Figure 12 From The Atlas Survey Zone Deep Sea Archaeology U Boat Loss Reassessments Semantic Scholar


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U 16 Sank By Toilet History Of Yesterday

Kisah Naas German Submarine U 16 Yang Tenggelam Karena Kesalahan Penggunaan Toilet Kaskus

In 1945 The German Submarine U 16 Was Sunk After A Toilet Malfunctioned Resulting In Seawater

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German Submarine U 16 Wikipedia
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